Software Apps Portfolio
Deployed KawShon DEV's Guide to the Galaxy
GitHub Repo
-KawShon DEV's Guide to the Galaxy static web page presents a portfolio of projects and blogging posts.
-Responsible for design, development, operations and documentation.
-Jekyll, Markdown, Liquid, Front Matter, Formspree, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, GitHub Pages.
-Responsible for design, development, operations and documentation.
-Jekyll, Markdown, Liquid, Front Matter, Formspree, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, GitHub Pages.
Archived Chuscanos Wedding Communications
GitHub Repo
-Chuscanos static web page presents wedding communications.
-Responsible for design, development, operations and documentation.
-React, Firebase, Formspree, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, GitHub Pages.
-Responsible for design, development, operations and documentation.
-React, Firebase, Formspree, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, GitHub Pages.
Archived Fullstack Networking
GitHub Repo
-Fullstack coding boot camp web app enables user to organize curriculum & increase networking engagement.
-Responsible for overall MVC design pattern, controller routing, documentation & deployment.
-Node, Express, MySQL, Passport, Sequelize, Chart, React, HTML, CSS, Material Design Bootstrap, Heroku.
-Responsible for overall MVC design pattern, controller routing, documentation & deployment.
-Node, Express, MySQL, Passport, Sequelize, Chart, React, HTML, CSS, Material Design Bootstrap, Heroku.
Archived Pawstagram Social Media
GitHub Repo
-Pawstagram social media web app enables user to show off photos of pets, join communities to chat & meet up.
-Responsible for overall MVC design pattern, controller routing, documentation & deployment.
-Node, Express, MySQL, Firebase, Passport, Sequelize, Handlebars, HTML, CSS, Material Design Bootstrap, Heroku.
-Responsible for overall MVC design pattern, controller routing, documentation & deployment.
-Node, Express, MySQL, Firebase, Passport, Sequelize, Handlebars, HTML, CSS, Material Design Bootstrap, Heroku.
Archived Google Books Search
GitHub Repo
-Google Books Search web app enables user to search Google Books, view and save for later viewing.
-Responsible for design, development, documentation and deployment.
-Node, Express, React, MongoDB, Mongoose, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Heroku.
-Responsible for design, development, documentation and deployment.
-Node, Express, React, MongoDB, Mongoose, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Heroku.